Coming Soon: Database changes for searching on Diagnosis
Fri, Mar 30, 2018

Over the last 10 years, many ADNI data users have asked about how to identify patients’ initial and follow up diagnoses and how to incorporate those attributes into searches within the ADNI IDA repository.  Following in-depth discussion with the Biostats Core, we will soon be introducing changes to help address this need.  A summary of changes:

  1. Each participant’s Research Group  assignment (currently ‘Patient’ for all subjects) will be changed to reflect the participants screening diagnosis.  For participants enrolled during ADNI1/GO/2 this will come from the Arm dataset and for ADNI3 it will come from the Diagnostic Summary dataset.
  2. Each participant’s diagnosis at follow-up visits will be integrated into the database and available to use as a search criterion.


1)  Ability to search using the participant’s initial and follow-up diagnoses (i.e. search for participants enrolled as MCI but changed to AD)

2)  Screening and follow-up diagnoses will be present in search results and incorporated into downloaded metadata files (CSV and XML)

Note:  These changes will be rolled out in stages.  Item 1 (above) has an expected ETA of early April 2018.  Item 2 will follow toward the end of the same month.

This post was written by: - who has written 32 posts on ADNI.