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Admin Contact: Administrative Team
Clinical Contact: Alzheimers Therapeutic Research Institute: ADNI Team
Genetics Contact: Indiana University School of Medicine
Informatics Contact: Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, USC
Biostatistics Contact: UC Davis
Biomarker Contact: University of Pennsylvania
MRI Contact: Mayo Clinic
Neuropathology Contact: Washington University
PET Contact: UC Berkeley
ADNI is associated with several organizations. See the related groups below:
ADCS The Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study (ADCS) is a major initiative for Alzheimer’s disease clinical studies in the federal government, addressing treatments for both cognitive and behavioral symptoms. ADCS is part of the NIA Division of Neuroscience’s effort to facilitate the discovery, development and testing of new drugs for Alzheimers disease. |
AIBL The Australian Imaging, Biomarkers & Lifestyle Flagship Study of Ageing (AIBL) is a study of over 1,100 people assessed to determine which biomarkers, cognitive characteristics, and health and lifestyle factors determine subsequent development of symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease. |
Alzforum The Alzheimer Research Forum reports on the latest scientific findings, from basic research to clinical trials and creates and maintains public databases of essential research data and reagents. The forum promotes debate and speeds the dissemination of new ideas while breaking down barriers across the numerous disciplines that can contribute to the global effort to cure Alzheimer’s disease. |
Alzheimer’s Association The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading, global voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care and support, and the largest private, nonprofit funder of Alzheimer’s research. |
E-ADNI (European ADNI) The aim of this pilot project is to demonstrate that the core ADNI methodology, i.e. standardized and centralized collection of MR imaging, clinical data, blood, and CSF samples can be adopted by European Centers of the European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium (EADC). |
J-ADNI (Japanese ADNI) Japanese clinicians and researchers started Japanese ADNI (J-ADNI), which is sponsored by governmental funding bodies (NEDO and MHLW) as well as pharmas, in April 2007. |