Corrections to AV45 Analysis Results
Thu, Jul 31, 2014

Corrected  AV45 analysis results, version 2014-07-31, are now available in the ADNI Data Archive. The  ‘ UC Berkeley – AV45 Correction Explanation’ document illustrates the  error.

The previous UC Berkeley – AV45 dataset, version 2014-05-02, was affected by an image processing bug that caused a one-voxel shift (anterior to posterior) in the alignment of all Freesurfer-defined regions of interest that were used to extract SUVR means from florbetapir scans.  The corrected values are different from the previous (uncorrected) values by an average of 0.9% +/- 1.2%, and the old and new (corrected) datasets have an R-squared value of approximately 0.996 (see scatterplot in the above correction document).  The current dataset also contains new followup florbetapir data (N=520 longitudinal florbetapir subjects).

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