CSF Biomarker Analysis Data (UPENNBIOMK5) Notice
Tue, Jul 23, 2013

The ADNI Biomarker Core has determined that the anchoring protocol used to anchor 2012 raw data to 2007 BASELINE CSF data was a suboptimal method and are now in the midst of a re-anchoring process using the set of 93 2012 CSFs that were run in 2013.  The data in UPENNBIOMK5 will be updated within approximately 2 weeks and will have an updated Methods description to explain this process.  All raw data from 2012 and from 2013 are unchanged but it is the anchoring process for the 2012 UPENNBIOMK5 dataset that will be changed.

This data set was originally released in mid-2012 and named, “UPENN – CSF Biomarkers [ADNI GO/2]”

This post was written by: - who has written 32 posts on ADNI.