Biofluid Biomarker

Biofluid biomarker data is one component of the comprehensive data set collected in ADNI. The types of biofluid data available to ADNI data users through the LONI IDA include:
Numerical assay results in tabular csv format
Numerical assay results in tabular csv format, including plasma and CSF biomarkers.
rich collection of -omics data sets
A rich collection of -omics data sets provided by external investigators.
Detailed methodology and quality control information
Detailed methodology and quality control information.
This page provides a high-level overview of the biofluids component of the ADNI data set. Investigators can find more detailed information about the biofluid data on the documentation page, and in the biofluid section of the ask the experts archive.
Investigators who have specific questions for the biofluid biomarker core that are not addressed in any of the resources listed above can submit a question using the ask the experts feature.
Investigators who are interested in working with samples that are managed by the biomarker core can find more information about sample availability, and the process for requesting samples, here

Historical Availability of Biofluid Data

One of the goals of ADNI is the collection of biospecimens, including blood, urine (only during ADNI1), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from participants. Interested investigators, whether associated with an ADNI site or not, are encouraged to apply for the use of this limited resource. However, the use of ADNI samples for technology development or comparisons among different technologies is not recommended for well-established analysis unless preliminary data shows superior performance.

For detailed information about the standardization and analysis of samples, please see biomarker standardization docs.

All Participants:Urineall visits
Plasma from Bloodall visits
Serum from Bloodall visits
CSF1baseline and month 12
Blood for NCRADbaseline
1 CSF was not collected from everyone in ADNI-1, just those who volunteered and consented to have a lumbar puncture. Urine and blood were collected from everyone.
EMCI Participants:CSFscreening
Plasma from Bloodall visits
Serum from Bloodall visits
Cell Immortalizationbaseline
ADNI 1 Continuing Participants:RNAinitial
Cell Immortalizationinitial
New Controls, EMCI and LMCI Participants:CSFbaseline and every two years
Buffy Coatall visits
Plasma from Bloodall visits
Serum from Bloodall visits
RNAbaseline, then yearly
Cell Immortalizationbaseline
New AD Participants:CSFbaseline and Month 24
Buffy Coatall visits
Plasma from Bloodall visits
Serum from Bloodall visits
RNAbaseline, Months 12 and 24
Cell Immortalizationbaseline
ADNI 1/ GO Continuing Participants:CSF1st ADNI 2 visit, then every two years
Buffy Coat1st ADNI 2 visit, then yearly
Plasma from Blood1st ADNI 2 visit, then yearly
Serum from Blood1st ADNI 2 visit, then yearly
RNA1st ADNI 2 visit, then yearly
APOE/GWAS1st ADNI 2 visit if not obtained in ADNI GO
Newly Enrolled Participants:CSFbaseline and every two years
Buffy Coatall visits
Plasma from Bloodall visits
Serum from Bloodall visits
RNAall visits
Cell Immortalizationbaseline
Rollover Participants:CSFbaseline and every two years
Buffy Coatall visits
Plasma from Bloodall visits
Serum from Bloodall visits
RNAall visits
Remote Blood Cohort:Plasma and serum from blood for biomarkers and genetic analysisbaseline, months 24, 48
New In-Clinic Participants:CSF - optionalbaseline, months 24, 48 1,2
baseline, month 24 3
Buffy Coatbaseline 1, all visits 2
baseline, months 12 and 24 3
Plasma and serum from Bloodbaseline, months 24, 48 1
all visits 2
baseline, months 12, 24 3
RNAbaseline 1, all visits 2
baseline, months 12, 24 3
Rollover In-Clinic Participants:CSF - optionalbaseline, months 24, 48 4,5
baseline, month 24 6
months 12, 36 7,8
month 12 9
Buffy Coatbaseline, months 24, 48 4
all visits 5,8
baseline, months 12, 24 6,9
baseline, months 12, 36 7
Plasma and serum from Bloodbaseline, months 24, 48 4
all visits 5,8
baseline, months 12, 24 6,9
baseline, months 12, 36 7
RNAbaseline, months 24, 48 4
all visits 5,8
baseline, months 12, 24 6,9
baseline, months 12, 36 7

1 cognitively normal (CN) new participants
2 MCI/converter new participants
3 demented (DEM) new participants
4 CN rollovers who did not have a PET scan (Amyloid and/or Tau) in their final year of ADNI3
5 MCI/Converter rollovers who did not have a PET scan (Amyloid and/or Tau) in their final year of ADNI3
6 DEM rollovers who did not have a PET scan (Amyloid and/or Tau) in their final year of ADNI3
7 CN rollovers who did have a PET scan (Amyloid and/or Tau) in their final year of ADNI3
8 MCI/Converters rollovers who did have a PET scan (Amyloid and/or Tau) in their final year of ADNI3
9 DEM rollovers who did have a PET scan (Amyloid and/or Tau) in their final year of ADNI3

2025 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
This website is funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative