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Employment Opportunity – ADNI seeking Principal Research Statistician
Thu, Jun 9, 2022

The Principal Research Statistician will be working in the research group of Professor Michael Weiner, MD, the Principal Investigator of the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). They will be responsible for identifying, tracking, and monitoring all data collected by ADNI, including developing improved methods to identify missing data across various sources, harmonizing complex longitudinal data, and developing user friendly tools for others to use ADNI data for research purposes.

Learn more about the position here: https://recruiting.ultipro.com/NOR1032NCIRE/JobBoard/82cac330-9aa5-417d-9b64-568d383f4ea0/OpportunityDetail?opportunityId=604cd4ed-6b52-4f1d-845d-cfa5d2a9273b

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