Question Posted 05/22/18:
What does sc mean on VISCode and VISCode 2. On the MRISERIAL database, not all participant's scan is included in it (when comparing it to MRIMETA 1.5 T and 3.0 T MRI scan). I was just wondering what is the criteria for including the scan in MRISERIAL database. Thank you!
What does sc mean on VISCode and VISCode 2. On the MRISERIAL database, not all participant's scan is included in it (when comparing it to MRIMETA 1.5 T and 3.0 T MRI scan). I was just wondering what is the criteria for including the scan in MRISERIAL database. Thank you!
Response posted 05/23/18 by Danielle:
VISCODE or VISCODE2 of "sc" means the screening visit. In ADNI-1, initial 1.5T scans were acquired at the screen visit, while for the subset who also received 3T scans, the initial 3T scan was acquired at the baseline visit ("bl"). I believe MRISERIAL.csv contains information about scans after the initial scan. This file only contains information from ADNI-1.