
Question Posted 06/02/22:
Dear ADNI data experts,

I was trying to use the ADNI MRI analysis result, so I went to IDA.LONI to download the UCSF - Cross-Sectional FreeSurfer (FreeSurfer Version 4.3) [ADNI1,GO,2] csv file, where each row is an MRI scan for a subject a visit.

I assumed that for each subject, it would be only scanned at one scanner for a visit, in this way we could get the brain ROI volumes.

However, when I downloaded the imaging data (DICOM) from IDA.LONI, I found that for one subject, who may will have been scanned at two scanner at same day, so I am confused about which row is corresonding to which MRI in that case.

For example, I tried to extract header information for subject 002_S_0413, we could see on the day 2006-11-15, this subject was scanned at two scanners GE EXCITE and Philps Intera. This happened 197 times for ADNI 1/2Go.

Could anyonw tell me how could I matched the duplicated image header to the row in USCF csv file?

Thanks so much for your help
Response posted 06/02/22 by ADNI MRI Core:
Thank you for your question to the ADNI MRI Core.

For ADNI 1 subjects routinely would be scanned on two different systems in one day. As a subset of subjects were scanned at both 1.5T and 3T system for each visit. To inquire more about the UCSF file can you please contact:

Thank you

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