
Question Posted 01/17/25:
I would like to know where can I find the clinical reads for the MRI scans. On the ADNI - MRI website it mentions that "Every participant scan undergoes a local clinical read by an on-site radiologist/clinician at the MRI facility." From my search through LONI I fount the file MRIREAD.csv which contains file names such as /file/dds/XXXX.pdf. How can I access this? and are these only available for ADNI1 or other cohorts as well?
Response posted 01/17/25 by ADNI MRI Core:
Thank you for your question to the ADNI MRI Core. It is true that every participant scan for ADNI does have a clinical interpretation performed on their ADNI MRI imaging session. However those reads are performed at each local site and not available to the public. They are preformed for participant safety purposes and not part of the publicly available data. Sorry for the confusion.

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