
Question Posted 06/27/14:
i downloaded the complete plink data set for alzheimer (812) but with missing phenptype i want to know the case and control subjects
Response posted 06/27/14 by Andy Saykin:
Case/control status, specific diagnosis and all other clinical data are time dependent. You will want to obtain the clinical core data set for this information and select the visit of interest for your analysis.
Response posted 06/28/14 by fayroz:
how can i obtain this clinical core data set and how i can link it with plink data
Response posted 06/28/14 by fayroz:
how can i obtain this clinical core data set and how i can link it with plink data
Response posted 06/28/14 by Andy Saykin:
for clinical information see:

You can link to genetics by ADNI ID.
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This website is funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative