
Question Posted 06/16/13:
Hi There
I have got a few questions regarding the sharing ADNI data. 1), The downloaded data doesn't contain any raw imaging, is it correct? if so, how can I obtain the raw data? 2), I also need the AIBL data which is from Australia research project, has it been included in the ADNI data archive or should I request it from AIBL directly? 3), We need any patients geographic information (such as which county is the patient from?)which is essential for our research, could you please advise if there is any related information in the ADNI data archive?
Our research project is on the process to get collaboration with ADNI, however, I need some data for the preliminary analysis urgently. Therefore, your prompt help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much!

Qian Sun
Response posted 09/23/14 by michael weiner:
all the raw images are on the USC/LONI?ADNI website
Yes AIBL data is available on the USC LONI ADNI website, you must look for it it is there
We do not provide county information or location information since that gets into the issue of protected health information

I think you need to spend more time exploring the UCLA LONI ADNI website, have you obtained your username and password, have you completed the data use agreement? have you been given approval to access data from the data base?
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