
Question Posted 06/26/13:
Dear sir or madam
I am interested in the T1 MRI data of AD, LMCI EMCI and normal patients, are the descriptions that MPRAGE, MP-RAGE, ADNI MPRAGE and ADNI new MPRAGE same ? What do the descriptions such as MPRAGEadni2, MPRAGEadni2B, MPRAGE 3dtf, MPRAGE SENSE means ?
Response posted 06/26/13 by Bret Borowski:
Dear ADNI MRI researcher. Thank you for your question. What you are seeing are differing series descriptions within the T1 raw scans. Unfortunately throughout the history of ADNI we have noticed that sites will often times change the names of the series on the scanners themselves. However they are not changing the actual protocol itself (which would cause a scan failure). For example we have seen over 100 variables just on the phrase MPRAGE. This problem has been somewhat remedied in the pre-processed series available for download. The series description is replaced to a standard MT1 format; example name: MT1;GradWarp;N3m. Whether or not it was accelerated (Accelerated/GRAPPA2/SENSE2) is in the xml file. Hopefully this answers your question.
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