
Question Posted 12/22/14:
Dear sirs,
Please, correct me, if what I understood is wrong.
Yesterday night (Dec 21th, 2014), I downloaded ADNI WGS vcf files. The sample IDs in vcf files were written in this way: 08AD6536, 08AD6540, and so on. I do now know how to match these IDs with any of IDs (RID or PTID). There was an answer for this type of question in the previous Q&A, which was using the csv file "ADNI PTID WGS Sample Correspondence." However, this file does not have the IDs like 08AD6536, 08AD6540 ...
Still, I don't understand how to convert these IDs in vcf files (WGS.GATK) to RID or PTID.
Could you explain how to do it?
Thanks a lot,
Response posted 12/27/14 by Andy Saykin:
The WGS vcf files have been replaced. The new set includes ADNI IDs.
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