
Question Posted 04/07/15:
Dear experts,

I have contacted you on march 26th because I suspected some errors in the DB. I haven't yet received an answer.

I think I have discovered another kind of error. For instance visit "ADNI1/GO Month 36" for subject 002_S_0295 has 2 MP-RAGE images but no MP-Rage repeat. I have found several other cases like that. What to do in this case?

Thanks in advance,
Response posted 04/07/15 by ADNI MRI Core:
Thank you for your question to the ADNI MRI Core.

Yes, there are many cases where sites performed two identically named MPRAGES, however as part of our QC process we select which MPRAGE had better quality. In a case such as this where both MPRAGEs are both an indiscernible acceptable quality it has been ADNI's policy to mark the first one as the "chosen" scan.

Thank you

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