
Question Posted 07/25/15:
Dear Expert,
I am using your database for finding my desirable data (MRI and DTI of AD patient). In search result, research group is identified as "Patient". I am wondering if it is AD patient or MCI (I need AD data). Would you please let me know its meaning and how I could differentiate AD patients from MCI?
Thank you and Best Regard
Response posted 07/27/15 by Rita:
Thank you for your question. In the ADNI Advanced Search (Beta) function you may specify Diagnosis Group under the Subject Specific Information category. The DX group used when you search the images is only the initial Diagnosis of the subject. For conversion information please refer to the Diagnostic Summary file located under Download>Study data.
Response posted 08/03/15 by Farzaneh:
Dear Expert,

Thank you very much for your response. I read the study protocols and selected my data from ADNI2 collection. Since, in addition to AD patients, ADNI2 is also consisted of SMC/EMCI/LMCI, I am wondering the reference meaning of word "Patient" in search result, dose it mean Alzheimer patients or others?
Sorry, I have another question about research group of control. In my search result (searching for subjects with both DTI and MRI data), no subject is found for health person group (volunteer)! Would you please let me know if I should search in a different way?( I need image data of 5 health person with both DTI and MRI modality).

Thank you in advance.
Best Regards
Response posted 08/04/15 by Rita:
All control subjects are patients who are diagnosed as 'Normal'. Use the Advanced Search (beta) function and under the 'Subject Specific Information' category, select the checkbox for 'Normal'.
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