
Question Posted 02/13/16:
I collected preprocessed PET images with "Coreg, Avg, Std Img and Vox Siz, Uniform Resolution" across all ADNI study (ADNI1, ADNIGO, and ADNI2). In my case, I'd like to match voxels in each 160x160x96 PET image to AAL (Automated Anatomical Labeling) region. However, the AAL package is build on SPM (Statistical Parametric Mapping) in MATLAB, and its AAL may be constructed based on its preprocessing procedure. Did you provide an AAL template for your preprocessed PET images ? or, any suggestion for matching voxels to AAL? Namely, how can I generate an 160x160x96 AAL template to indicate where the voxels in my collected images belongs to ?

Thanks for your help.

Response posted 02/13/16 by Bob Koeppe:
Even though all the image files are in a 160x160x96 grid, they are all unwarped. You would have to do the non-linear warping to the AAL atlas for each subject. All scans (tracers and timepoints) have been co-registered, so you would need to do this only once per subject.
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