
Question Posted 08/11/13:
Dear ADNI experts,

I was wondering what the slice scan aquisition is for the resting fMRI data? (up, down, interleaved?) In the settings provided, it says "default" and I dont know what that is for the philips scanner. I tried to contact philips directly but their customer support does not know and in order to get to technial support you need to have purchased the MRI machine. I'm sorry to ask again but I have yet to receive a response from my first inquiry and it has been longer than 5 business days.

Thank you.
Response posted 08/12/13 by Bret Borowski:
Thank you for your question concerning the rsfMRI data that has been collected for the ADNIGO/2 projects.
As per protocol sites are instructed to the scan the subjects inferior to superior at every scanning session. The current acquisition is acquired in an interleaved fashion. (Example 1,3,5,7 - 2,4,6,8) In fact the latest batch of analysis site fMRI QC and processed data submissions are now including the acquisition order within the documentation, which should be available to you now. Please let me know if there is anything further we can assist with.

Thank you.

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