
Question Posted 05/16/16:
Dear Sir or Madam,

Our lab is using ADNI data to do analysis right now. I just find that the data format is quite different for some subjects. For example, 012_S_4128 has 6720 slices for resting state fMRI, but 012_S_4545 only has a 4D image for extended resting state fMRI. For those subjects with 4D DCM data, there are some problems when coregistering functional data to their own structure data. When I check the functional image, the voxel size is 4*4*4 for 012_S_4128, but 1*1*3.31 for 012_S_4545. I think that's why it can not be coregistered to structure image correctly. Could you help me to figure it out?

Thanks a lot. Look forward to your reply.


Ping Ren
Response posted 05/25/16 by ADNI MRI Core:
Thank you for your question to the ADNI MRI Core:

ADNI does not upload NIfTI formatted fMRI data.

1. If a user downloads fMRI data in NIfTI format, LONI can assist with the conversion of that data (

2. If there is data which does not have a DICOM version then it should not exist or is incorrectly being classified as fMRI — there have been issues in the past where ASL data was presented as fMRI but those had all been cleared up.

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