
Question Posted 09/27/16:
Dear ADNI Experts

We are the PIT Research Group from Hungary, and our main intention is to analyze structure of human brain by braingraphs. To build these braingraphs, we use Connectome Mapper Toolkit, which needs T1-, T2- and diffusion-weighted MRI Images.
We tired to analyze the ADNI database and integrate the data into our pipeline, but we could not find the T2-weighted and diffusional images for any patient.
Could you please show us, which files contains the missing images or could you point where to find some help?
Response posted 10/03/16 by ADNI MRI Core:
Thank you for your question to the ADNI MRI Core.

Not all subjects will have all those scans. DTI scans were only obtained on subjects that were scanned on GE scanners. T2 FAT SAT weighted scans were added about 1/2 through ADNI2.

I believe you are able to search to the LONI database with your above criteria and find subjects that will fill your needs. For questions on how to do this, please contact LONI directly at:

Thank you

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