Question Posted 01/24/17:
I am a Ph.D scholar from PDU.very new to this field Looking forward early stages finding AD and comparison of AD related diseases. i dont know how to get relevant data for my work and which kind of data i have to take......
I am a Ph.D scholar from PDU.very new to this field Looking forward early stages finding AD and comparison of AD related diseases. i dont know how to get relevant data for my work and which kind of data i have to take......
Response posted 01/30/17 by Danielle:
I am not sure exactly what you are looking for, but you can apply for access to the ADNI data ( to make use of data that have already been collected. If you haven't already done so, I recommend reviewing the ADNI website to find out more about the study and whether or not it will help you in your research.
Response posted 01/31/17 by michael weiner:
The data you are seeking may be avaialable. Its important for you to fully understand ADNI, go to and read the Impact of ADNI (Weiner et al)