Lewy body pathology is detected in CSF of ADNI individuals spanning the AD spectrum
Wed, May 22, 2024

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Lewy body (LB) co-pathology was investigated in individuals with AD pathology in the ADNI clinical cohort. The α-synuclein seed amplification assay (SAA) was performed on recent samples of CSF which included participants who were diagnosed across the AD spectrum. This study confirmed sensitivity (79%) and specificity (97%) of SAA in detecting LB pathology in comparison to gold-standard autopsy. SAA positivity (SAA+) was detected in 22% of the ADNI cohort, and increased with age and disease stage. Increased SAA+ prevalence was associated with greater Ab burden, lower tau burden (particularly in Dementia participants), and cognitive impairment. This study expands our understanding of utilizing the α-synuclein SAA to asses LB co-pathology in AD, and broadens the clinical lens to better guide diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to AD.

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