
ADNI publication pdfs can be searched by year, journal, author, or keyword using the search boxes below.

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4453 Total Publications

Year Title Author Journal
2022 Practice Effects in Mild Cognitive Impairment Increase Reversion Rates and Delay Detection of New Impairments Sanderson-Cimino, M, Elman, JA, Tu, XM, Gross, AL, Panizzon, MS, Gustavson, DE, Bondi, MW, Edmonds, EC, Eppig, JS, Franz, CE, Jak, AJ, Lyons, MJ, Thomas, KR, Williams, ME and Kremen, WS Journal Front Aging Neurosci;
2022 A fast approximate EM algorithm for joint models of survival and multivariate longitudinal data Murray, J and Philipson, P Journal Computational Statistics & Data Analysis;
2022 Using a ResNet-18 Network to Detect Features of Alzheimer’s Disease on Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Failed Replication. Comment on Odusami et al. Analysis of Features of Alzheimer’s Disease: Detection of Early Stage from Functional Brain Changes in Magnetic Resonance Images Using a Finetuned ResNet18 Network. Diagnostics 2021, 11, 1071 Nicholas, PJ, To, A, Tanglay, O, Young, IM, Sughrue, ME and Doyen, S Journal Diagnostics;
2022 Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity is associated with reduced Montreal Cognitive Assessment scores in a sample of Vietnam War Veterans Prieto, S, Moody, JN, Valerio, KE and Hayes, JP Journal Journal of Traumatic Stress;
2022 Establishing an individualized model of conversion from normal cognition to Alzheimer_s disease after 4 years, based on cognitive, brain morphology and neuropsychiatric characteristics Ronat, L, Hoang, VT and Hanganu, A Journal Int J Geriatr Psychiatry;
2022 Exploration of salient risk factors involved in mild cognitive impairment Samson, AD, Shen, K, Grady, CL and McIntosh, AR Journal Eur J Neurosci;
2022 Limitations of clinical trial sample size estimate by subtraction of two measurements Chen, K, Guo, X, Pan, R, Xiong, C, Harvey, DJ, Chen, Y, Su, Y, Reiman, EM and Initiative, AsDN Journal Statistics in Medicine;
2022 β-amyloid PET harmonisation across longitudinal studies: Application to AIBL, ADNI and OASIS3 Bourgeat, P, Doré, V, Burnham, SC, Benzinger, T, Tosun, D, Li, S, Goyal, M, LaMontagne, P, Jin, L, Rowe, CC, Weiner, MW, Morris, JC, Masters, CL, Fripp, J and Villemagne, VL Journal Neuroimage;
2022 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor-Treatment Does Not Show Beneficial Effects on Cognition or Amyloid Burden in Cognitively Impaired and Cognitively Normal Subjects Bouter, Y and Bouter, C Journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience;
2022 Is an MRI-derived anatomical measure of dementia risk also a measure of brain aging? Casanova, R, Anderson, AM, Barnard, RT, Justice, JN, Kucharska-Newton, A, Windham, BG, Palta, P, Gottesman, RF, Mosley, TH, Hughes, TM, Wagenknecht, LE and Kritchevsky, SB Journal Geroscience;
2025 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
This website is funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative