
Question Posted 11/18/13:
Dear Expert,
I have downloaded the resting fMRI data with nifit style.
For each file, we have 140 nii files, However, I do not know which file is the first time piont, which one is the second....

For example, For subject 002_S_0295Resting_State_fMRI2011-06-02_07_56_36.0S110474



Could you please tell me how to recognize the exact squeeze of all these nii files?
thank you and very best.
Response posted 11/25/13 by Bret Borowski:
Thank you for your question to the ADNI MRI core.

As part of the most recent fMRI deliverable provided by the ADNI MRI Core the slice order for each fMRI series were included in the fMRI QC report.

That being said, the analysis done on the fMRI series are done using the raw dicom images, not images in a .nii format.
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