
Question Posted 05/22/18:
What does sc mean on VISCode and VISCode 2. On the MRISERIAL database, not all participant's scan is included in it (when comparing it to MRIMETA 1.5 T and 3.0 T MRI scan). I was just wondering what is the criteria for including the scan in MRISERIAL database. Thank you!
Response posted 05/23/18 by Danielle:
VISCODE or VISCODE2 of "sc" means the screening visit. In ADNI-1, initial 1.5T scans were acquired at the screen visit, while for the subset who also received 3T scans, the initial 3T scan was acquired at the baseline visit ("bl"). I believe MRISERIAL.csv contains information about scans after the initial scan. This file only contains information from ADNI-1.
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