
Question Posted 12/02/13:

I'm trying to collect data from all patients with MCI at baseline/screening from all cohorts. I used DXSUM_PDXCONV_ADNIALL but also "Advanced Search (beta)" (to acquire info about MRI scan info). I found five patients (RIDs 78, 190, 995, 1154 and 1226) who are in DXSUM with an AD diagnosis at baseline (DXCURREN=3, DXCONV=1) but are in the list I downloaded through "advanced search (beta)" as MCI patients at baseline.

What is their correct diagnosis at baseline, please?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,
Response posted 12/09/13 by Karen:
Please see the answer to the question "What is the difference between the baseline diagnosis and the screening diagnosis?" in the FAQ section:
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