
Question Posted 11/10/19:
Dear ADNI expert, I am using 'ADNI_GO_2' SNP database. Among the columns, 'Sample Index', 'Sample ID', 'GC Score', 'SNP Index', 'SNP Name', 'Allele1 - Top', 'Allele2 - Top', 'Allele1 - Forward', 'Allele2 - Forward', 'Allele1 - AB', 'Allele2 - AB', 'Allele1 - Plus', 'Allele2 - Plus', 'Chr', 'Position', 'GT Score', 'Cluster Sep', 'SNP', 'Theta', 'R', 'X', 'Y', 'X Raw', 'Y Raw', 'B Allele Freq', 'Log R Ratio', which one shuld be used in biomarker identifiaction. Is preprocessing needed to integrate SNP data with fMRI data? Is there any normal sample in the database? If yes, where from I get it?Is there any tool for SNP prunning?
Response posted 11/16/19 by Kwangsik Nho:
Please look at these papers: PMC2603547 and PMC6001694.
In addition, please use plink files for genetic information.
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