
Question Posted 10/06/20:
For ADNI3, I understand two diffusion data are provided, one is basic with single b=0 shell and another one
with multiple shells. Are they both named as 'Axial DTI'? Is multiple shells diffusion image provided in ADNI2/GO?
Response posted 10/06/20 by Rob Reid:
No, in ADNI3 the series description for the advanced (3 shell) diffusion MRI is typically "Axial MB DTI", while the basic (b = 0 and 1000 only) acquisition typically has "Axial DTI".

ADNI2 only had a b = 0 and 1000 scan for diffusion. It is not the same as the basic ADNI3 scan, though.
Response posted 10/06/20 by qi zeng:
referring to your last sentence: "ADNI2 only had a b = 0 and 1000 scan for diffusion. It is not the same as the basic ADNI3 scan, though" . How is it different? As a lot of individuals have diffusion scans from ADNI2 to ADNI3. Is it ok if I use scans from both ADNI2 and ADNI3 for longitudinal study? Should I control for different cohort?
Thank you so much!
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