
Question Posted 01/19/23:
Hello, I am looking to pull a specific SNP (rs2233154) from the GWAS data and match the carrier status to the curated cohort of patients. I used PLINK 1.9 to analyze the .bed files for ADNI1, 2, ADNIGO and 3 but only pinged for 1 variant. I am not sure that I did this accurately. Would you be able to confirm the minor allele frequency for rs2233154 in the ADNI dataset? Thank you so much,
Response posted 01/19/23 by Kwangsik Nho:
If rs2233154 was genotyped in ADNI GWAS genotyping platforms, I would suggest to check if the SNP (rs2233154) had different SNP names such as GSA-2233154.
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