
Question Posted 02/01/24:
In ADSP_PHC_T1-FS_Dec 2023 there are 700 cases with 2 or more MRIs on the same visit. RID#416 has 4 MRIs on the baseline visit on 04/20/2006, all by SIEMENS 1.5T. Could you please explain what is the difference and if one is more accurate than the others?
Response posted 02/01/24 by ADNI MRI Core:
Thank you for your question to the ADNI MRI Core. After inquiring with the Freesurfer Analysis group from UCSF they confirmed:

This is from the Phenotype Harmonization Consortium. Regardless, those are repeated scans particularly performed during ADNI1 phase. They are all valid. If they want to filter out all but one, they can use Mayo QC table to identify the selected image for each visit.

Thank you
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