
Question Posted 02/14/24:
Does ADNI have or know of a GWAS database that distinguishes individuals who have Amyloid-B plaque buildup and Alzheimer's disease vs those who have Amyloid-B plaque buildup but do not have Alzheimer's disease.
Response posted 02/14/24 by Andrew Saykin:
There are many published GWAS studies of amyloid PET, CSF and pathology. I am not aware of GWAS specifically focused on non-AD amyloidosis vs AD but a PubMed search should address whether such an analysis has been reported.
Response posted 02/14/24 by Michael Weiner:
This is a good question. I should point out that today we define Alzheimer's disease as amyloid plaques, tau tangles leading to neurodegeneration which causes cognitive impairment and dementia.
If an individual does not have amyloid B plaques, they cannot have Alzheimer's disease. In past years we did diagnose AD clinically, but now we think of AD as a pathology. Clinical MCI and dementia can be caused by many pathologies, not just AD. Directly to the question: ADNI does have a GWAS and WGS data base. You can identify those who are amyloid positive using amyloid PET and CSF measures and then build your own amyloid positive specific data base. Contact me directly ( if you want more detailed information
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