
Question Posted 04/29/24:
Hello, I noticed that the previous indication is 'You can extract the baseline diagnosis from LONI Download Study Data >> Diagnosis >> Diagnosis Summary [ADNI1, GO, 2] (DXSUM_PDXCONV_ADNIALL.csv). ADNI1 baseline diagnosis can be obtained using the “DXCURREN” variable at VISCODE==”bl,”'

However, I download the Diagnostic Summary [ADNI1,GO,2,3,4] and there is no column named 'DXCURREN'. But I noticed that there is a column named 'DIAGNOSIS'. I want to know does that means the real diagnosis? if so, what is the meaning of the value 1, 2 and 3.

Besides, I noticed there is another table: Diagnostic Summary - Baseline Changes [ADNI1,GO,2,3,4] what is the information in this table? Any information related to the dignosis?

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regrads,
Yuye Zhang
Response posted 04/30/24 by Danielle:
We recently harmonized some of the data tables across the different phases of ADNI. The Diagnosis Summary file now just has a single diagnosis variable (DIAGNOSIS) and contains the diagnosis at each visit. Please refer to the Data Dictionary (available in the Study Info section of the Study Data page) for the coding information of this variable. You will also find information about the variables contained within the Diagnostic Summary - Baseline Changes in the data dictionary. I tend to rely on the information in the first file (Diagnostic Summary [ADNI1,GO,2,3,4]).
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