
Question Posted 03/23/14:

A PDF at
has this infomation:

In July 2012 the Brin-Wojcicki Foundation and the AlzheimerÂ’s Association donated funds to support whole genome sequencing (WGS) of 818 ADNI participants (at the time, 128 with AD, 415 with MCI, 267 controls and 8 of uncertain diagnosis).

How do I identify samples with uncertain diagnosis in Diagnostic Summary table?

Thank you in advance.

NB: I've asked Informatics core, but they suggested to contact Genetics core about this.
Response posted 04/10/14 by Sungeun Kim:
There is no “uncertain diagnosis” in DX code. What we have meant by “uncertain diagnosis” in the document was diagnosis changing multiple times between two or three DX categories from the baseline to the visit closest to initiation of WGS project. So we couldn't determine the final DX at that time. We highly recommend using “current diagnosis" that can be extracted from "DXSUM_PDXCONV_ADNIALL.csv".
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