
Question Posted 05/02/14:
is it possible to obtain the "raw" freesurfer output, i.e. the coordinates of the cortical surface segments?
If yes, what are the dictionary entries where this data is stored?
Response posted 05/13/14 by Bret Borowski:
Thank you for your question to the ADNI MRI Core.

After consulting with the group who performs the ADNI freesurfer analysis it has been determined that:

For the ADNI study, the analysis group only uploads spreadsheets that contain FreeSurfer volumetric information. Unfortunately they do not upload any of their FreeSurfer-generated files to LONI, as it would be extremely time-consuming given the size of the ADNI project. It would be possible for individuals to generate files manually by downloading the preprocessed T1s from the LONI website and running them through FreeSurfer.

Thank you

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