
Question Posted 06/07/13:
I'm viewing the axial T2 star MRI and most of them are blur, can you please tell me what might be the problem? secondly are T2 star MRI available for ADNI-1 subjects?
Response posted 06/07/13 by Bret Borowski:
I'm sorry that they seem blurry for you. For most exams we have found the Axial T2 Star to be of acceptable quality. We have noticed some motion on them, but are still able to access for microhemorrhages in most cases. The protocol itself is a 4 skip 1mm acquisition with a 256x192 matrix. The was designed specifically to keep the acquisition time short, which may not be the case for Axial T2 Star scans that you are accustomed to. If there are specific changes you feel might help the sequence please pass them along and I will forward to the MRI core.

No Axial T2 Star is done for ADNI1.

Thanks for your interest in the ADNI MRI datasets.

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