
Question Posted 10/08/14:
Dear Expert, having available files from ADNI Database (MRI MP_RAGE) of subjects with ADNI id for example 005_S_0221 and also wanting to analyze the neuroclinical data, I need to found a correspondence between subject id that is present in adni site and ID, RID, SITEID,VISCOD1 and VISCODE2 that compare in neuroclinical study. I found that RID is equal to the latest 4 numbers of my subject id. But where can I found the correspondence with the other part of the adni subject id? Thanks
Response posted 11/10/14 by Jessica Yaros, IDA:
The correspondence file is called 'Roster' and is located in the Enrollment category of the study data. The roster provides ID, RID, and SITEID for each subject.

You will not find any correspondence for the first part of the ADNI subject ID, because those codes are not made public.

For VISCODE definitions, download the VISITS file, also in the Enrollment category.
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