
Question Posted 11/06/14:
Thank you for your previous response about downloading DICOM files.
I have checked what you said, but I had another problem!
In the database series, there are Fractional Anisotropy,Average DC, Axial DTI, etc. Software "dcm2niigui" can not extract b-vectors & b-values from their DICOM files, because there are processed images such as FA values ....So please let me know how I could extract b-vectors from these .dcm files?
On the other hand, I would like to have raw data without any processing, would you please let me know from which collection I could find these data?

Best Regards
Response posted 11/12/14 by ADNI MRI Core:
Thank you for your question to the ADNI MRI Core.

The raw DICOM files for the DTI scans are the "Axial DTI" named series. This is directly from the scanner without modification. The other images you are seeing are derived for that Axial DTI series which are created automatically on the scanner, and not recommend for use in analysis. We would recommend that you only use the Axial DTI series to extract information from or create separate derived files for your use.

Thanks you

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