
Question Posted 02/16/15:
When running the 2 x MPRage sequences, is there a preference as to which one is better / more important. I have been looking at these two sequences and can't decide which would be better to run (of course, the shorter is more appealing), but is there any disadvantage to this sequence with acceleration as opposed to the non-accelerated sequence. I realise the resolution is slightly different, but cannot see any other differences. Thank you
Response posted 02/20/15 by ADNI MRI Core:
Thank you for your question to the ADNI MRI Core.

The purpose of running the two 3D T1 scans (one accelerated and one not) was to determine if the analysis done on the accelerated scans were comparable to the non accelerated scans. So far the data has pointed to the accelerated scans being of equal quality as far as data analysis is concerned. However visually we have noted that for clinical reads the accelerated scan is a little more noisy than what radiologists would prefer to make the clinical interpretations on. So in the end it really depends what the data will be used for, if mostly automated analysis accelerated seems to perform fine, if being used for visual interpretations it may not be.

Thank you.

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