
Question Posted 10/06/15:
?Thank you very much. The images are satisfactory for our purposes. Can I sort through the subjects who have highreshippo images to find 10 males and 10 females each with mild, moderate, and severe hippocampal atrophy with a specific age distribution? What is involved in a DICOM download? For continuity, my preceding question and your answer are below.

Yes, all ADNI subjects receive a 1.2 mm thick Sagittal T1 scan as part of the base protocol. There is also a subset of subjects (Scanned on Siemens systems) who have received a High Resolution Coronal Hippocampal scan. (Exact name = HighResHippo) and I believe that you can search for those based on the series name under the advanced search option.


Question: I am a neuroradiologist working with the memory clinic at Eastern Virginia Medical School to compare general radiologist, neuroradiologist, and NeuroQuant assessment of hippocampal atrophy using ADNI data. I have two questions. Radiologists typically make their assessment of hippocampal atrophy from thin coronal T2 weighted images. NeuroQuant analysis is done with thin slice sagittal T1 weighted volumet! ric acquisition. Does the ADNI data include these series? Can the ADNI data be downloaded in DICOM format?
Response posted 10/06/15 by ADNI MRI Core:
These can be downloaded by from LONI (you need to have an account) by searching for the subjects, selecting the images and creating a collection and then select download as DICOM.

As far as finding subjects based on sex/age/diagnosis you will need to consult the clinical ADNI2 database information.

Thank you

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