
Question Posted 12/04/15:
Dear experts,
i\'m interested in donwnloading raw pet fdg images but i have some problems. I tried to download ANALYZE format and for every patient i find 6 scans. I can\\\\\\\'t undertand how to use them; they are six consecutive scans taken the same day? Which of them i should use?
Sorry i m bothering you but i can\'t find any information about this in the website.
Response posted 12/04/15 by Bob Koeppe:
I'm not sure about the specifics of ANALYZE format, but I am guessing the if you find 6 scans, these are really just the six 5-min frames of the 30 min FDG scan. If you find that to be the case, you can simply average them. Also you could look for the "pre-processed" scans, which have 4 options for each scan in most cases. These are 1) the six frames, but 2-6 are co-registered to frame 1; 2) the average scan, after co-registration; 3) the averaged scan oriented into a standard orientation and image grid (160x160x96; 1.5mm voxels), and 4) the previous option smoothed to a common resolution.
You can e-mail me directly ( if you have further questions.
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