
Question Posted 12/15/15:
Dear Sir or Madam,
we're interested in SNP analyses using the ADNI Omni2.5M microarray SNP data. We can use Plink (or gPlink) to do first analyes, but as data related to initial diagnosis is missing in the plink (bed, bim, fam) file, defining groups (i.e. Normal, MCI, AD) is not possible. I know that corresponding data is stored in the DXSUM_PDXCONV_ADNIALL file but have no clue how to link or import the data of the column DXCURREN to the Plink files to be used in further analyses.
Would be grateful for your suggestions.
Kind regards
Response posted 12/15/15 by Sungeun Kim:
Dear Martin

The easiest way to add DX to PLINK file will be editing .fam file if you have a binary version of PLINK by using a regular text editor or excel. Then you can replace the original fam with the edited fam.
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