
Question Posted 11/17/16:
Dear MRI Experts,
When I look to the FreeSurfer 5.1 Corss-sectional results posted on 08/2016 I see that some data is missing from the equivalent subjects listed in the earlier FreeSurfer 4.3 files. I wonder if all MRI images have been re-analyzed and whether the right files have been uploaded. Only the latest ADNI2 visit seem to be present in the late 2016 file versions.
Can you please help me locate the subjects and visits analysed with FreeSurfer4.3 in their later 5.1 version? Many thanks in advance.
Response posted 11/17/16 by Diana Truran SAcrey:
Version 4.3 is used for 1.5T data and version 5.1 is used for 3T data. If the participant started in ADNI1 phase and scanned at 1.5T but then continued in ADNI2 and scanned at 3T, earlier times points with 1.5T data will be only found in v4.3 table not v5.1 table. We did not reprocess ADNI1 data with v5.1. Not all participants continued from ADNI1 (v4.3) to ADNI2 (v5.1). Likewise, not all ADNI2 participants were also in ADNI1.
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