
Question Posted 09/25/13:
Dear Experts,

I am a graduate students from UNC. My current project studies the MRI images from ADNI. I don't have enough background in medical imaging ( I am CS major).

I downloaded images from the collections. They are formated as NIfTI(.nii) files. I view the images online from by clicking the view button. I could found axial, sgittal, coronal view of the images. But I tried to open the images by ImageJ. I could only see the coronal images. I am new to this kind of images. May I ask does each image file (.nii) have all the direction of views (axial, sagittal, coronal)? How should I do see them?


Yingchi Liu
Response posted 02/04/14 by Bret Borowski:
Thank you for your question to the ADNI MRI Core.

Yes, the 3D T1 series are visible in each plane. We suggest you use a MRI imaging viewer like Analyze or FSL.
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