
Question Posted 02/22/17:
To whom it may concern:

I proceed to analyze \'pre-processed\' PET (\'Coregister, Averaged\'), and hope to calculate SUV (not SUVR). But, I cannot find what unit of the image intensities is. As previous questions in \'Experts Knowlege Base\', intensities of images processed with 3rd and 4th step mean SUVR. How about 2nd step?
Response posted 02/24/17 by Bob Koeppe:
Processed sets 1 and 2 have raw voxel values straight from the scanner. Most of the DICOM files have units of Bq/cc, particularly all the newer PET/CT scanners. The HR+ and HRRT scanners, have somewhat arbitrary scales, but at least for the HR+ scanners, (model says 962 in the headers), there is a scale factor in the header than converts to Bq/cc. After that you would have to look up all the patient weights, and all the injected doses to be able to calculate SUV. I don't know if anyone has compiled a list of weights or injected doses.
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