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MRI Scanner Protocols
ADNI-3 Basic and Advanced

There is a broad gulf between older MRI systems and the state of the art production systems within each vendor’s product line. The range of scanners being qualified for use in ADNI scanning as of late 2016 is given in the Scanner Table. A two-tiered approach is taken to accommodate the range of variability in scanners. Thus, ‘ADNI-3 Basic’ and ‘ADNI-3 Advanced’ protocols have been created. An underlying assumption is that scanners will be upgraded replaced over the lifespan of ADNI-3 leading to increased use of the ADNI-3 Advanced protocols. Structural T1-weighted, 3D FLAIR, T2* GRE, ASL, and high resolution images of the hippocampus are common across basic and advanced protocols within each vendor. The Advanced Diffusion MRI and Resting State fMRI scans take advantage of simultaneous multislice acceleration for echo-planar images (EPI). For longitudinal consistency, they can be down-sampled postscan to match the Basic sequences. See details in the link below.

ADNI 3 MRI Protocols Quick Guide

General Electric (GE) Healthcare Philips Medical Systems Siemens Medical Solutions
GE 25x
GE Widebore 25x
Philips R3
Philips R5
Siemens 20VB17
Siemens Prisma D13
Siemens Skyra E11
Siemens Prisma VE11C