Clinical Utility of Blood Biomarker Trajectories Study [ADNI1,2,GO,3] Data Available
Wed, Jun 19, 2024

Clinical Utility of Blood Biomarker Trajectories Study data and methods are available in the Download section of the ADNI archive. The dataset is titled ‘Clinical Utility of Blood Biomarker Trajectories Study [ADNI1,2,GO,3]’, version 2024-06-18, and is located in the Biospecimen, Biospecimen Results section of the archive.

Initial analysis of the ‘Clinical Utility of Blood Biomarker Trajectories Study’ dataset has been posted by the FNIH Biomarkers Consortium Plasma Aβ and Phosphorylated Tau as Predictors of Amyloid and Tau Positivity in Alzheimer’s Disease project team. The preprint article titled “Head-to-head comparison of leading blood tests for Alzheimer’s disease pathology” detailing the dataset and evaluating the performance of plasma biomarker analytes and assays in classification of amyloid status and other AD-related outcomes is available for review and comment on medRxiv at

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