Excel file available with listing of all PET scans considered to have potential issues that may affect results of image analysis.
Thu, Nov 1, 2007

The Excel File now contains two additional pages with specific information for BioGraph HiRez and HRRT scans that have been reworked. The Excel file contains both Series UID and Image UID for all scans to insure proper identification of the PET scans that should be analyzed. This Excel file can be downloaded using the link at the bottom of this page. It is sorted by site, then subject, then PET visit (BV, 6m, 12m, etc.) and contains both FDG and PIB information. An updated version of this file will be available for download the first of each month. New information about problem scans will be placed at the top of the file and clearly marked. After one month, this ‘new’ information will be sorted and moved below, so only information from the previous month will be listed at the top. All PET users are strongly encouraged to bookmark this page, and download the file each month. Any questions about particular sites, scanners, or individual PET scans, and the potential ramifications of the specific issues can be directed to Bob Koeppe. — Bob Koeppe – 01 Nov 2007

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