
ADNI publication pdfs can be searched by year, journal, author, or keyword using the search boxes below.

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4453 Total Publications

Year Title Author Journal
2022 The 677C > T variant in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase causes morphological and functional cerebrovascular deficits in mice Reagan, AM, Christensen, KE, Graham, LC, Bedwell, AA, Eldridge, K, Speedy, R, Figueiredo, LL, Persohn, SC, Bottiglieri, T, Nho, K, Sasner, M, Territo, PR, Rozen, R and Howell, GR Journal Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism;
2022 Automated Alzheimer_s disease detection from brain magnetic resonance imaging using a smart classifier fusion approach Shaikh, TA and Ali, R Journal Science, Engineering and Health Studies;
2022 Linear Mixed Model Analysis of Polygenic Hazard Score on Verbal Memory Decline in Alzheimer_s Disease Wang, K, Xu, C, Theeke, LA, Xiao, D, Luo, X and Xie, C Journal Nurs Res;
2022 Textural features reflecting local activity of the hippocampus improve the diagnosis of Alzheimer_s disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A radiomics study based on functional magnetic resonance imaging Wang, L, Feng, Q, Ge, X, Chen, F, Yu, B, Chen, B, Liao, Z, Lin, B, Lv, Y and Ding, Z Journal Front Neurosci;
2022 The Polygenic Risk Score Knowledge Base offers a centralized online repository for calculating and contextualizing polygenic risk scores Page, ML, Vance, EL, Cloward, ME, Ringger, E, Dayton, L, Ebbert, MTW, Miller, JB and Kauwe, JSK Journal Commun Biol;
2022 Association of Data-Driven White Matter Hyperintensity Spatial Signatures With Distinct Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Etiologies Phuah, CL, Chen, Y, Strain, JF, Yechoor, N, Laurido-Soto, OJ, Ances, BM and Lee, JM Journal Neurology;
2022 Development of a deep learning network for Alzheimer_s disease classification with evaluation of imaging modality and longitudinal data Deatsch, A, Perovnik, M, Namías, M, Trošt, M and Jeraj, R Journal Phys Med Biol;
2022 Disentangling the effects of Alzheimer_s and small vessel disease on white matter fibre tracts Dewenter, A, Jacob, MA, Cai, M, Gesierich, B, Hager, P, Kopczak, A, Biel, D, Ewers, M, Tuladhar, AM, de Leeuw, FE, Dichgans, M, Franzmeier, N, Duering, M, Consortium, SVt and Alzheimer_s Disease Neuroimaging, I Journal Brain;
2022 An optimal kernel-based multivariate U-statistic to test for associations with multiple phenotypes Wen, Y and Lu, Q Journal Biostatistics;
2022 Sex differences in brain functional connectivity of hippocampus in mild cognitive impairment Williamson, J, Yabluchanskiy, A, Mukli, P, Wu, DH, Sonntag, W, Ciro, C and Yang, Y Journal Front Aging Neurosci;
2025 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
This website is funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative