Updated MRI Manuals
Fri, May 2, 2014

ADCS Clinical Operations would like to bring to your attention that the MRI Technical Manual, and MRI Scan Information forms have been updated to reflect the release of the updated MRI protocol sequences for ADNI2.

The updated MRI Technical Manual can be found on the ADNI2 Data Portal under the Docs Tab:

  • Study Docs Folder > Procedures Manual Folder

The updated worksheet packets can be found on the ADNI2 Data Portal under the Docs Tab:

  • Study Docs Folder > Worksheets Folder > Amend2-Worksheet-Packets Folder

Lastly, updates to the ADNI2 EDC system to accommodate the changes to the MRI scan information form have also been made.

If you have further questions, please contact your site monitor or ADCS Clinical Operations.

This post was written by: - who has written 41 posts on ADNI.