Updates for Siemens HRRT and Siemens BioGraph HiRez PET scan warnings
Mon, Oct 1, 2007

HRRT issue: see previous comments below, dated May 8, 2007

All HRRT PET scans from sites 029 and 128 performed prior to the posted data recall advisory have been reworked. One HRRT PET scan has been reworked from site 032.

While most of the problem scans are reduced or eliminated, there are a few scans that remain suspicous. A summary of individual scan concerns can be downloaded in the Excel “PET Image Issues” file available from this web-page.

Current Advice (October 1, 2007):

1. The following scans have been reprocessed and the latest versions should be downloaded from LONI, whether one is using the raw uploaded image files or any of the pre-processed image files available from LONI. If there are any questions or doubt about whether you have the latest version of a particular scan, the image files should be downloaded again and the xml UIDs can be checked to make sure.

  • Site 029 subjects: 0836 BV and 6m; 0843 BV; 0845 BV; 0866 BV; 0914 BV; 1038 BV; 1056 BV; 1073 BV
  • Site 032 subject : 0400 BV
  • Site 128 subjects: 0135 BV, 6m, 12m; 0138 BV, 6m, 12m; 0167 BV, 6m, 12m; 0188 BV, 6m, 12m; 0200 BV, 6m ; 0205 BV, 6m; 0216 BV, 6m; 0225 BV, 6m; 0227 BV; 0230 BV, 6m, 12m; 0258 BV, 6m; 0266 BV, 6m; 0272 BV, 6m, 12m; 0500 BV, 6m; 0522 BV, 6m; 0608 BV, 6m; 0715 BV, 6m; 0740 BV, 6m; 0770 BV; 0863 BV; 0947 BV; 1043 BV

Bob Koeppe – 01 Oct 2007

BioGraph HiRez issue: (sites 016 since 2007, 020, 037, 062, 072, 082, 130): see previous comments below, dated May 8, 2007

Siemens has provided all BioGraph HiRez sites with a software patch to correct the problem described previously. Listed below is the status of scans for all the sites. Scans that have been reworked following installation of the patch should be downloaded again from LONI, whether one is using the raw uploaded image files or any of the pre-processed image files.

Current Advice (October 1, 2007):

1. The following scans have been reprocessed and the latest versions should be downloaded from LONI, whether one is using the raw uploaded image files or any of the pre-processed image files. If there are any questions or doubt about whether you have the latest version of a particular scan, the image files should be downloaded again and the xml UIDs can be checked to make sure.

  • Site 016 subjects: all scans since the scanner change to the BioGraph HiRez were reconstructed with software routines that did not contain the software bug. No new downloads needed
  • Site 020 subjects: 0097 12m; 0213 12m have been reworked following software patch and must be downloaded again. 0097 BV, 6m, and 0213 BV, 6m scan raw data were found to be corrupted and these images still contain asymmetries. Use these with caution. 0883 was scanned after software patch so is acceptable.
  • Site 037 subjects: 0150 12m; 0566 6m; 0627 6m have been reworked following software patch and must be downloaded again. All other scans were either processed with software version before the problem, or after the software patch was installed, and were acceptable.
  • Site 062 subjects: site did NOT save any scan sinogram data, hence no scans can be reworked. Software patch to fix problem was installed on 6/4/07. All scans performed before this date potentially have asymmetry artifact. Use these with caution. Scans after this date should be acceptable.
  • Site 072 subjects: software version used at this site is older, and is pre version 4.xx which had the bug. All images are acceptable. No new downloads needed.
  • Site 082 subjects: site has not reworked any images at this time, but site only has two BV scans.
  • Site 130 subjects: 0232 6m, 12m; 0285 6m, 12m; 0289 6m, 12m; 0783 BV, 6m; 1200 BV; 1201 BV; 1290 BV have been reworked following software patch and must be downloaded again. All other scans were either processed with the software version before the problem, or after the software patch was installed, and are acceptable.

Bob Koeppe – 01 Oct 2007

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