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admin - who has written 41 posts on ADNI.

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DNA Mapping Of Alzheimer’s Patients Gives Deep Dive View – Bloomberg News

Monday, July 2, 2012

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Over the past 18 months, 81-year-old Bill Bunnell has visited the doctor a half-dozen times to take memory tests, provide blood samples, and undergo a spinal tap and imaging scans. It’s all part of the most extensive study ever conducted on Alzheimer’s. Now researchers are about to take an even closer look at Bunnell, a […]

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ADNI 2 APOE Genotype Results Notification

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

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One of samples included in the ADNI 2 APOE genotyping results may have been mislabeled and has been removed from the dataset.  Those who downloaded the APOE results between January 25, 2012 and May 23,2012 should not use the results for the row containing RID=4014.  New results for this subject will be posted after re-analysis.

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Exercising an Aging Brain: The New York Times

Thursday, March 8, 2012

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"More and more retired people are heading back to the nearest classroom — as students and, in some cases, teachers — and they are finding out that school can be lovelier the second time around. Some may be thinking of second careers, but most just want to keep their minds stimulated, learn something new or catch up with a subject they were always curious about but never had time for. "

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New AV45 Analysis Dataset is Now Available.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

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A new AV45 analysis dataset is available.  The previous AV45 dataset (November 2011) contains cortical and summary (SUVR) measures that were normalized by cerebellar grey matter.  The new dataset (February 2012) is the same data and same subjects, but includes several additional reference region options (whole cerebellum, cerebellar grey matter, and brainstem) along with the non-normalized cortical regions. For more information […]

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ADNI Available Data Update: February 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

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The Biostatistics Core has posted two tables of the ADNI summary data numbers, by diagnostic category and type of data, available as of February 1, 2012. ADNI Available Data: This data may be useful for individuals who are interested in running longitudinal data analysis ADNI Available Baseline Data: This data may be useful for individuals […]

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Scientists mount genome research initiative to unlock Alzheimer’s genetic secrets – HealthCanal

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

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The new national initiative to research the genetics of Alzheimer’s disease, announced Monday, could have a dramatic impact on the development of treatments for the disease, said Indiana University School of Medicine researchers involved in the project. With funding from the Brin Wojcicki Foundation and the Alzheimer’s Association, scientists will sequence and study the entire […]

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ADNI Plasma A?1-42/1-40 Immunoassay Dataset

Monday, May 9, 2011

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BASELINE, YR1, YR2 and YR3 plasma samples (“adni_upennplasma_*.csv”) were assayed in the Biomarker core laboratory using Innogenetics research use only AlzBia reagents on a Luminex immunoassay platform.  Plasma Ab1-42/1-40 batch testing immunoassay was performed on 2,454 plasma samples collected from 733 ADNI subjects July 28, 2010 through October 27, 2010 in a total of 76 […]

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UC Berkely Releases Post-Processed NIFTI files

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

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Dr. Susan Landau has released NIFTI files that go with the UC Berkeley group’s post-processed analysis methods. These have been made available on the PET Analysis web page. The compressed file contains 5 NIFTI files, containing the following regions of interest: Composite Left Angular Right Angular Left Temporal Right Temporal You can download the file […]

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AIBL (Australian Imaging Biomarkers and Lifestyle Study of Ageing) 18-month data now released

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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18-month followup MRI, PiB PET images and clinical data from the Australian Imaging Biomarkers and Lifestyle Study of Ageing (AIBL) are now available. These new data complement the baseline data released previously. The AIBL MRI and PiB images were acquired with ADNI protocols but have not undergone post processing. This data release has been enabled […]

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Corrections to UCSFFSX and UCSFFSL Summary Tables Error

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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An error has been found in the data reported in the following numerical summary tables: UCSFFSX and UCSFFSL. The values for the Left Hemisphere Surface Area (column ST27SA) were incorrectly reported. These tables have since been re-posted and now contain the correct values. If you are using data from these tables that was downloaded before […]

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2024 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
This website is funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative